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PA working area
Previous care experience
Enthusiastic carer needed in Seven Dials, Brighton
Enthusiastic carer needed in Seven Dials, Brighton
5 to 6 hours per week for artist in Seven Dials
5 to 6 hours per week for artist in Seven Dials
Self employed PA driver and handyperson
Self employed PA driver and handyperson
Portslade area, for outgoing person with dogs
Portslade area, for outgoing person with dogs
4 hours per week for disabled female with cats
4 hours per week for disabled female with cats
PA needed for queer autistic woman in central Hove
PA needed for queer autistic woman in central Hove
Help at home and out and about in Hove
Help at home and out and about in Hove
General care in central Brighton, 22 hours a week
General care in central Brighton, 22 hours a week
3 hours a week general support
3 hours a week general support
Essential support for a wonderful lady living with Multiple Sclerosis
Essential support for a wonderful lady living with Multiple Sclerosis